Tuesday, December 27, 2011
I am home!
I have been in the hospital for the past 2 months so that is why I have not done my last tut. I am so sorry. But I almost died and I am still fighting a battle with my health. So all your prayers would be greatly appreciated. I am not sure when I will be able to get back to doing my tuts but I will be back. Doing tuts is one of the favorite joys in my life. Thank you all that have been praying for me I love each and every one of you. xx Nae
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
This award was given to me by Vanessa at Leather and Lace Tuts!
Thank you so much Vanessa I really really appreciate you thinking of me!
Be sure and stop by Vanessa's blog and check out her work. She is one talented gal!
This award is for the Beautiful Women (and Men)
who grace us with their talents
in the Tagger Community.
The intent of this award is to pass it on
to the Designer, Tagger, or Artist
who has inspired you with their endless talent
and who has touched your heart.
There are many out there.
Let's see how far we can pass this on.
I pass this on too.
Chas of Chas ScrapnBitz
Kristi from Kristi W Designs and Bear Necessities Scraps and Tutorials
Vaybs from Designs by Vaybs
I could go on and on because there are so many wonderful creative beautiful peeps in the psp community!!!! Thanks to you all for making creating so much fun and making life just a better place.♥
Monday, September 12, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Harmony Frame and Paper.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Beautiful Me-FTU

Just got done with this I used Terri's awesome new Just a Girl sampler kit. TY so much Terri. You can find this tut HERE. Have Fun!♥ Nae
Friday, July 29, 2011
Uptown Girl-FTU

You can find this tut using Kristi's awesome kit Uptown Girl. TY Kristi!!!! You can find this tut HERE. Have fun.♥ Nae
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Another Award!!!! WOW! TY Jenny!
TY so much Jenny for this awesome award....You are the BEST! Love ya girl! Jenny from Jenny's Designz give me this award yall be sure and check out her site she has a awesome blog train going on!
This award is to acknowledge blogz that rock.
If you know a blog that rocks and want to give them this award
then send them a message saying... "Your Blog Rocks"
Since I have accepted this award from Jenny's Designz I must pass it onto
5 other people that I think their blogz rock.
There are no rules to this award
only that you send it to 5 people that you think deserve this award.
Make sure you leave them a message.
The 5 blogz I picked are listed below.....
Toxic CandySaturday, June 4, 2011
Yeah!!!! Your Blog Rocks Award!

Thank you so much Eileen over at Eileens Designs for giving me this award.♥ I think you are so creative and talented I am just honored you would pass this along to me. TY I love you girl!♥
Yall be sure and check out her awesome site! "Her Blog Does ROCK!"
This award is to acknowledge blogs that rock.
If you know a blog that rocks and want to give them this award
Then send them a message saying "Your Blog Rocks". I am now going to award this too....
There are no rules to this award.
Only to send it to 5 people you think deserve this award.
Make sure you leave them a message....♥Friday, May 13, 2011
Memphis Blues-FTU

I am calling this Memphis Blues in dedication to Memphis Tennessee as you know we have had alot of storms and flooding around my parts. Well I love Memphis and it is effecting it really bad. I just wanted to dedicate this to the peeps in Memphis that it is effecting and let them know they are in my thoughts and prayers.♥
You can find this tut HERE. The links to this kit have been fixed! TY so much for fixing that for me.....Big Hugs!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
New Award!!!! Wooo hoooo!!

I just got another award from Terri from over at Creationz by WitchysHeart!!!! TY so so much Terri this means alot to me. Its great to see you back in action! I missed you! xx
The aim of the award is to bring recognition to blogs with minimal followers.
Since I have accepted the award I must pass it on to at least 3 other blogs (but not more than 5),
that have inspired me and I feel deserve a bit more attention.
The rules are to say thank you on my blog to the one who passed it on to me
and link to their blog (see above). Pick the blogs to pass the award on to,
leave a note on their blog and then list them with links to their blogs...
I chose these four blogs because these ladies are awesomely talented, original and inspiring:
Since I have accepted the award I must pass it on to at least 3 other blogs (but not more than 5),
that have inspired me and I feel deserve a bit more attention.
The rules are to say thank you on my blog to the one who passed it on to me
and link to their blog (see above). Pick the blogs to pass the award on to,
leave a note on their blog and then list them with links to their blogs...
I chose these four blogs because these ladies are awesomely talented, original and inspiring:
I am passing this on to some awesome designers and also some peeps I am proud to call my Friends.♥
Val over at Cheekys TutorialsTuesday, March 29, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
NEW Blog Award From My great friend Jenny! TY! xoxo

The aim of the award is to bring recognition to blogs with minimal followers. Since I have accepted the award I must pass it on to at least 3 other blogs (but not more than 5), that have inspired me and I feel deserve a bit more attention. The rules are to say thank you on my blog to the one who passed it on to me (Thank you Robin!!!) and link to their blog (see above). Pick the blogs to pass the award on to, leave a note on their blog and then list them with links to their blogs...
awesome tagger and scrapper and friend!
Great friend and talented tagger and scrapper!
New to the blog world and psp but such a awesome awesome tagger she is and designer....and im NOT just saying that cus shes my little sister!! LOL Love you Chris!!!! You keep on keepin on girl!
I want to thank each and every one of you designers you are ALL so talented and give so freely your time your hard work and your sweat without asking for anything in return you girls rock!!!!!
Just Beautiful People!
Love you ALL!!!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I made this with a challenge I had in my forum Afternoon Delight and just thought I would share with yall. I really love the black and white the best those are my favorite colors. Tim my hubby says they are not colors but OH I beg to differ.....LOL
This is the one I done in color.♥
No tuts for these sorry....But there is one in the works coming soon!
New Forum Set I call it Forgiveness.

Well I started out going to make a tag and then ended up with this and I feel asleep making it last night 4 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I ended up clearing out my clipboard and lost to where it was saved in a psp format. I am going to try and make yall a tag out of this kit tho it is just totally beautiful and I will share my template as always for those of you on the run. Well be on the look out for the next couple days I feel a little sting from a cute little psp bug....and we wouldnt want to make him mad now would we....LOL Here is my forum set I made I hate I was not able to save the psp form and that I was so sleepy I cant half remember what I done....BUT if you are a member of AD I would sure love to make you one just give me a shout and I will get it for ya as soon as I can.....
Hugs Nae
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Back from the Doctor!
Well I broke down and went to the doctor today and turns out the reason I have felt like crap is because both of my ears are infected! BUT as soon as these antibiotics start working and I start feeling like my normal perky little self I will be a tutin machine once again....so be on the lookout! Just wanted to give yall the FYI....♥ Love Yall! xoxo Nae
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I got a award!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!

Thank you so much Jan for thinking of me and giving me this awesome award! It means so much to me! Yall be sure and stop by Jans blog Jans Island Treasures there is lots of awesome freebies to be had over there and be sure when you do leave her lots and lots of LUV!!!!♥♥♥♥
Now on with the award.
My Blog has Attitude Award
In order to qualify for the $5.00 Digi's with Attitude! Gift Certificate you must state 3 things that make you different from everyone else and you must nominate 5 blogs. Lastly you must display the Blog Award Badge (above) in your sidebar and link it back to the Digi's With Attitude! Blog.
If you have been awarded the "I got Attitude! Blog Award" and you have followed all the steps please email dwacblog@live.com to claim your Gift Certificate. Include your full name and your blog name. Only one Gift Certificate per person & blog please. Gift Certificates will be sent to you within 48 hours of receipt on a business day via a reply to the email received.
Here are the 3 things that make me different from everyone else...
1. I love creating and sharing beautiful things.
2. I am a survivor of OCD.
3. I was raised in Frog Jump Tennessee and I am very very southern and I LOVE IT!
I would like to nominate for this award the following 5 blogs::
Chrissy my little sister whom I love dearly! @ Broken-Light CMC's Designs.
Chas @ Chas ScrapnBitz
Chatita @ Chatita's Tutorials
Vanilla @ Vanilla Designz
Kylie @ Kylie's Tutorials
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