Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Years!
Just wanted to wish everyone a Safe and Happy New Years! Thank you Jan for sharing this awesome freebie New Years Kit I simply loved it. You can find the kit I made this tag with and many more awesome goodies HERE. Big Hugs Nae!!!!
Sunday, December 26, 2010

This is a tag that I made while doing a challenge in my graphics group. Afternoon-Delight. I decided to start having a challenge once a week that really made the pspers use their own god given talents. When I started psping there was not any scrapkits or templates there was just the few little things that you might luck up on finding and you and your own imagination....So I decided to have a challenge and call it Afternoon-Delights Destination Imagination Challenge and turn it into like a contest....We will have the non pspers vote on the best tag and whoever gets the most votes well they will win psp tubes. Great way to learn to be creative and then pick up some new tubes along the way! It turned out really well so far. But I had a go at it and I have to admit I really really loved doing this it challenged my mind and reminded me just what psp is really all about. I could sit here and go on and on but im not. LOL I know you are tired of hearing me ramble on. My point is well the challenge WAS I give them 2 snowflakes one silver and one blue and they had to create a tag using just those two items....They could however use filters, masks, and all their tools in psp. BUT no scraps or templates.... Then add a tube of their choice to the finished tag.....We had some great end results....This is what I come up with. This was my end result so I decided I would share the template to this tag with anyone that might want it. If you do think that you might be able to use this Template you can grab it HERE. It also has the snow layers included in the template. Big Hugs and Happy Holidays Love Nae! xoxo
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Butterfly Wings
Here is the link to the blank Template HERE. The fire has already been done all you will need to do is add your glitter if you want the glitter effect. The scrap kit I used to create this tag is called Early Fall and you can find it HERE it is FTU and she has alot of awesome kits on her site that are FTU as well.... xx Nae
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
►Will be MIA for a while.

Well the time has come we will be moving starting until I get moved and settled in I will not be doing anymore tuts. BUT once we get our internet hooked up I will be back to tuting....This move has been very stressful on me so yall keep me in your prayers. I am excited but then again I am worried. Its kind of a bitter sweet kinda thing. But anywho yall hold the fort down and I will be back as soon as possible. We are Arkansas bound BABY!!!!! Much Love Nae
Well we made it here to Arkansas and I simply LOVE it! I have some great neighbors and such a nice place to live. I even have a privacy fenced in backyard for all my furbabies....yall know how I love my animals! My sister and her hubby came and spent the night the other night and we had a ball got rid of some clothes from years ago that I needed to for a while....My dad and my stepmom came the day before and I cooked them roast and lemon icebox pie daddys favorite. But they are going to come back and help me work in the flower beds and plant some trees in about a month. Chris my sister is coming back the 25th. But anywho here is a pic of my new house not that good of one I really need to invest in a digital camera Paige has one but I dont.....
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Love The Way You Lie-FTU
You can find this tut HERE. I have been having a horrible time with my google site so if you cannot see the tag I have attached it to the tut page. Have FUN!!!! xx
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna
What a powerful video! I just had to share this they done a excellent job showing the vicious cycle that is involved in abuse. It is a hard hard cycle to break especially when you love the person that is abusing you....Hopefully this video will give the ones that are not strong enough to break free on their own the strengh it takes to take their lives back!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
And Out of Darkness There Came Life-FTU

You can find this tut right HERE....
And Out of the Darkness There Came Life
that can be translated in many ways as to what that means....
SO Im going to share what this means to me.
I am OCD and it is very hard for me sometimes it feels like you
will never see any life or light ever in your future you are in
constant fear and worry not a minute of peace...
BUT I am a surviver and I REFUSE to let this get the best of me....
It is worst at times when there are alot of things going on and
we are in the middle of moving we will be moved by the middle of Aug.
Probably so my OCD has been giving it to me good! BUT im not down just yet!!!!!
Rock on I SAY!!!!! A few prayers wouldnt hurt either if
you believe in that sort of thing because when I am
like this it is very hard on not just me but my family.....
Creating has saved my life it has got me thru some really really bad times. It allowed me to express my feelings I was feeling in a positive way instead of a negative way....Ok enough of me....♥
Thanks yall and I hope you enjoy my tut. xx Nae
Friday, July 16, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th of July
I just wanted to take a minute to wish all of you a wonderful, safe and happy 4th of July! We will be going to a grill out today and later on shooting fireworks....its going to be a great day! I wanted to get a 4th tut done but I have been really busy. We will be moving in August to Arkansas....big change for this little Tennessee girl. I know its not too far but for someone that has never been outside of Tennessee it seems like its a whole world over. So yall keep my family in your thoughts and prayers.... LOL Truth of the matter is I am really excited. Change is good! Well I will try and get yall some new tuts done time allows me too. Like I said before have a great day today!!!! mwah!♥ Nae
Friday, July 2, 2010
Ismael Racs New Store!
Yes it's here folks!!!! All those lovely Ismael Rac tubes are back! Ismael has decided to open his very own go and be one of the first to check it out and get you some of his awesome artwork! You can go and pick yours up HERE today!♥
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Little Moments-FTU

This is a FTU tut but the kit is only free for 1 week only so get it while you can. You can find this tut HERE. Have Fun!!!! xx Nae
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
My Refuge-FTU

You can find this tut HERE. I am calling this My Refuge and when I say that I am talking about music. Music has got me thru alot of rough times in my life....♥ I have 2 examples of it one has sparkles and one is non animated which is the one you are seeing now. The animated version will be on the tutorial itself. Have Fun! xx Nae
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Phew I didnt think I would ever get this posted. Finally! LOL HERE is the link to my newiest tut. I hope you like! xx
Monday, May 10, 2010
Take A Picture-Blank Template

Ok I did manage to find the psp form of this tag BUT I cannot remember what settings I used on the filters I used. SO I am going to just share the blank template without the tube of you can just add the tube of your choice and your good to go! I have uploaded it to my 4 shared account you can grab the blank HERE. The original Blank Blank template I used for a guide was created by Yvette over at Essence Of Creativity and you can grab that Here.
ALSO Lyn over at Angels Tuts done a tut using this blank template! I love it thank you so much!♥ You can find this tut and many other fab fab tuts over at her blog. Angels Tuts.♥ Be sure and leave her some luv! ♥

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day
I want to wish all of you lovely ladies a wonderful wonderful Mothers Day! There is such a joy in being a mother such a wonderful fulfillmet. The love that it brings you is just unreal! I want to share this Mothers Day Poem with all of you.
My Mother Kept A Garden
My Mother kept a garden,
a garden of the heart,
She planted all the good things
that gave my life it's start.
She turned me to the sunshine
and encouraged me to dream,
Fostering and nurturing
the seeds of self-esteem...
And when the winds and rain came,
she protected me enough-
But not too much because she knew
I'd need to stand up strong and tough.
Her constant good example
always taught me right from wrong-
Markers for my pathway
that will last a lifetime long.
I am my Mother's garden.
I am her legacy-
And I hope today she feels the love
reflected back from me
I love you Momma!
Also this is a EXTRA special day for me it is my two most favorite guys in the worlds birthday today. Cody and Will my two sons. Happy Birthday Boys I love yall so much!!!!
Happy Mothers Day to Me!!!!
I am so blessed!
My Mother Kept A Garden
My Mother kept a garden,
a garden of the heart,
She planted all the good things
that gave my life it's start.
She turned me to the sunshine
and encouraged me to dream,
Fostering and nurturing
the seeds of self-esteem...
And when the winds and rain came,
she protected me enough-
But not too much because she knew
I'd need to stand up strong and tough.
Her constant good example
always taught me right from wrong-
Markers for my pathway
that will last a lifetime long.
I am my Mother's garden.
I am her legacy-
And I hope today she feels the love
reflected back from me
I love you Momma!
Also this is a EXTRA special day for me it is my two most favorite guys in the worlds birthday today. Cody and Will my two sons. Happy Birthday Boys I love yall so much!!!!
Happy Mothers Day to Me!!!!
I am so blessed!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I started Curves!!!!
I am so happy I started Curves and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try and get yall some more tuts done this weekend I have been so busy these past few days I havent hardly had time for anything. I do have some fab fab scrap kits in mind to use tho so yall be on the lookout!
Big Hugs Nae
Big Hugs Nae
Sunday, February 14, 2010
♥Happy Valentines♥
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Burning Love-FTU

You can find this tut HERE.♥ Have Fun and if you have any questions please feel free to ask just leave me a little note in my shoutbox. xx
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Let it Snow.. Let it Snow.. Let it Snow!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
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